BBetter Home Page Forums Child Health 7 -19 months old with red spots

  • 7 -19 months old with red spots

    Posted by AlFa on May 10, 2023 at 2:58 pm
    Good evening,

    My son has been having red spots dominantly on his stomach and back area since he was 7 months old. The homeopath treated it as inner heat and it decreased but has not disappeared. In the following months they have been appearing and disappearing. He has also been scratching above his buttocks where the diaper sits so much that there are blood lines. Now at 19 months he’s scratching his stomach and is bothered by his clothing. During the past months , he had Covid, bronchitis, and most recently, in March this year, Salmonella and Enteropathogenic E. coli was detected through Gastrointestinal (GI) Panel- (Multiplex PCR)!! Again, it was treated through homeopathy. However, again, the red spots / rashes have reappeared few days ago. No fever.

    Is it toxicity in his body? Is it parasites? Is it inner heat? Is it allergy of some sort?

    Bernadette replied 1 year, 8 months ago 3 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Daniel

    May 10, 2023 at 10:52 pm

    Hey ,

    I’m sorry to hear! I can imagine that you’re worried.

    Being new in this world can be quite a challenge for the immune system. Every infection is new and the immune system is really busy learning how to deal with all these viruses and microbes that are out there. This is why kids can become sicker easily.

    Targeted food choices can help to provide nutrients that are important for the immune system. Nutrients like vitamin A, zinc and vitamin B12 are important for the formation of white blood cells. Vitamin D of course is also important since it regulates up to 5 percent of our genes and a lot of them are related to immune function.

    Although most of the vitamin D we make we can get from the sun, some food sources like salmon and eggs do contain vitamin D as well.

    Vitamin A you can find for example in orange vegetables like sweet potatoes, carrots and butternut squash. Also, spinach, bell peppers and broccoli are great sources of vitamin A.

    Zinc can be found in beef, lamb, poultry, eggs, legumes, cashew and almond nuts and pumpkin seeds.

    Vitamin b12 can be found in animal sources like fish, beef, poultry and eggs.

    Some of the food sources above can contain salmonella like eggs, fish and poultry. Also, dairy products can contain salmonella. Cooking & preparing them will prevent exposure, but make sure your hands are disinfected when you help feed your kid.

    Salmonella and Enteropathogenic E.coli
    Symptoms of these infections overlap and symptoms you should watch out for are stomach cramps, vomiting, fever and diarrhea.

    Salmonella and E. Coli infections do happen more often in kids, but without symptoms there is no need for worries. A lot of people do carry these microbes for life without any problem as well. But if there are symptoms like diarrhea consult your healthcare provider.

    Red spots
    It is hard to say what causes the red spots. But I could give you some alternative angles to explore. With red spots in the back and stomach area, allergies (and food sensitivities) can also be at play. Nickel allergy for example can cause red spots on places where buttons are.  Did you ever do some allergy testing? 

    Some fabrics in clothing can cause skin problems as well. Wool, silk, and synthetic fibres can cause rashes. Have you ruled these out as well?

    Sometimes a sensitive skin can also be easily irritated. Soaps, detergents, wipes… if you are using them, replace them with allergen-free options and see if the rashes become less.

    I hope this gives you some other angles to explore as well!

  • Bernadette

    May 11, 2023 at 12:49 pm

     knowing your history with mold, are you and your family still exposed to mold? The question to be asking is: what is compromising his immunity?

    The randomness of the rashes can also be tied to food sensitivities. Does he consume any of the common suspects like dairy, gluten, corn, yeast, peas, eggs, and some nuts like almonds and cashews?

    Do the spots appear and disappear? Or are they always there but they intensify at times?

    Does he have any other symptoms that you can tell us about?

  • AlFa

    May 11, 2023 at 4:45 pm

    we are no longer exposed to mold in our house. He was exposed to it while I was pregnant with him, and it’s still in my body as I didn’t complete my mold detox journey. Would it have travelled to him through nursing?

    With regards to other symptoms, he has constant nasal congestion since he was two months old being exposed to older siblings who go to school + the weather.

    As for food, he stopped eating egg since he had salmonella and has been picky about food. He enjoys dates, banana, gooseberry and orange, mandarin. His likeness to grapes, and berries has decreased to almost none since salmonella.

    As for cow’s milk I gave him lactose free one when I started weaning him and when his appetite has decreased; but noticed that he started having eczema behind his knees (different than the spots on his body).

    His intake of corn and peas is very limited to chicken vegetable soup.

    Gluten, while the flour used in our house cooking os gluten free, he has been having a lot of harees during Ramadan. Harees is made of wheat and meat or chicken. It would be the only meal he would want to have during his day plus the smoothie mix I’d prepare for him. The smoothie mix would be avocado, coconut water, chia seed, flaxseed, banana, dates. Sometimes sunflower seed or pumpkin seed. Similar ingredients would be in the banana smoothie minus the avocado and the coconut water.

    Almond and cashew, once only he was exposed to them but didn’t react to them.

    Please let me know if there is anything else you’d like to know.

  • AlFa

    May 11, 2023 at 5:03 pm

    Thank you for replying. I suspect it was from a specific children’s food brand I bought from the supermarket or from the improper storage of the minced meat spaghetti but one cannot know for sure.

    I like that you suggested natural / food sources for the vitamins and minerals. That’s great information to have.

    I keep up with his supplements in form of drops as his appetites for food has decreased since. He would ask for food but not eat it or eat more than a tasteful since. The supplement I use is 5ml of Floradix Kindervital for children & Oslomega Baby’s DHA 1000mg Omega 3 with Vitamin D3 800mg DHA. In addition to separate Vitamin D drops to heal with his fracture (a story for a different time). I also give him BioGaia Probiotic drops. Perhaps proper Zinc and B12 are missing from his supplementation.

    He did have fever of 40 degrees during the first days and it was not until I insisted on the doctor to check his stool that we found out it was Salmonella, otherwise they wanted to treat it as seasonal flu! He didn’t have diarrhea.

    Re soaps, detergents and wipes they’ve been the same since birth, Eco one. He does from time to time react to the diaper though. A changed the brand when the supposed organic one left a bad rash on him leaving a mark that still exists. Unfortunately the alternative is a bit better but he’s still irritated by them and keeps scratching where they sit on the stomach.

    I forgot to mention that since his hands could reach the back of his neck he’s also been scratching between his shoulder blades to a point of bleeding. I looked up what is the significance of that area, thought maybe it was sweat glands? But couldn’t find accurate information. Any idea?

    The rest of the comments are in my rely to Bernadette’s post

  • Daniel

    May 11, 2023 at 10:26 pm

    Hey ,

    Does he has nasal congestion without flu like symptoms? If so allergies and food sensitivities can still play a role. They can also contribute to eczema. This handout provides several root causes of eczema and they are in line to earlier mentioned advises as well.

    Postnasal drip can also cause nasal congestion. In the majority of cases a reaction to milk products (also the lactose free versions) can contribute to postnasal drip. Eliminating milk products entirely might be something you could start with.

    Your right about sweat. Some infants can get rashes if they sweat and the sweat ducts are obstructed. This can also happen when they sweat more then normal for example, when it’s hot and humid or if they’re overdressed.

    Parasites can also cause itching and skin problems. A simple white blood cell differentiation could provide more insight. With parasites a class of white blood cells called eosinophils are often elevated. Stool tests can also be done to examine if parasites are at play. The condition there is that the parasites must be in the stool to be detected.

    The way the rashes present themselves can also provide clues to what could be at play, but this needs to be assessed by someone with the proper training like a dermatologist.

    I hope you have some starting points to work with.

    I can imagine your worries, but with everything at play in his young life, he is very lucky to have you!

  • Bernadette

    May 12, 2023 at 3:03 pm

     to answer your question about mold. Unfortunately, mycotoxins have been found to cross the placenta and become more active inside the uterus, and it has also been detected in breast milk. I share more in this video in the mold course.

    Given your history of exposure to mold and mycotoxin illness, and seeing that your little man has been struggling so early on in his life (all of his symptoms are immune related!), I would definitely want to rule this out as a possibility. Let us know if you want a requisition to order the test.

    In addition, as Daniel mentioned, a full dairy elimination would be the next step. If it’s easy to remove gluten, I would do that as well for a minimum of 30 days, and then re-assess if there’s been improvement with the rashes. Remember that food sensitivities are delayed immune reactions, which makes them really hard to pin point. Symptoms can appear right away or 5 days later. A full elimination and re-introduction is the best way to test it. Here’s a handout.

    If you haven’t seen a dermatologist yet, it would be worth a visit to get a better clinical picture as well. We’ll be able to better guide you if there’s a proper diagnosis.

    Dr. Lilya Chub at Hope Health & Healing is an integrative medical physician who works with children and can also run functional tests, so you might be able to get some functional tests reimbursed through insurance if you have any.

  • AlFa

    May 13, 2023 at 4:01 am

    Thank you. I’ve contacted Hope clinic to book an appointment with Dr. Lilya Chub and will keep you posted.

    In the meantime, any recommendations on a dermatologist who wouldn’t just prescribe steroids without doing proper investigation to the cause?

    Also, working on the basis that my toddler has mold in his system, is it safe to start mold detox journey at his age, 20 months? If so, Can I work with you or anyone you can reccomend to start him on this journey and monitor it?

  • Bernadette

    May 13, 2023 at 4:35 am

     glad you booked with Dr. Lilya. The consult with the dermatologist is purely to get a diagnosis (if possible) to help us figure out the root cause.

    I would also highly encourage you to watch my course on mold AND also get Dr. Jill’s course on mold for kids. It’s super affordable ($47) and B Better members also get a discount by using code BBETTER. With children, there’s lots that you can do with food therapy.

    But please don’t get overwhelmed. I would take this 1 step at a time. First, I would see a dermatologist (or two) to know WHAT it is.

    In paralell or after, I would work with Dr. Lilya to order some functional tests like Mycotox given your history.

    And in the meantime while waiting for appointments and results, I would learn more about mold in kids to get you prepared just in case that’s the next step you have to take.

    Hope this helps…

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