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  • Food poisoning and dizzy spells?

    Posted by Kkol on March 23, 2023 at 7:32 am
    Hi D and B. Yesterday while I’m as still eating my breakfast I had sudden upper abdomen pain. I recognised this type of pain, cramps come and go, it’s food poisoning. No fever, no diarrhea, and no vomiting but the type of cramps say it all.
    Immediately took 2 charcoal capsules then after two hrs took 2 capsules S Boulardii then took oregano. The intensity of pain went down a bit but once I ate again in the evening the pain came back intense. Took again charcoal and s Boulardii.

    Today woke up very early with pain but after few hours until now things are calm.
    Went from bed to the living room and once I arrived I felt dizzy (not spinning) I sat on the floor until it calmed down. I was feeling weird in the head when I was in bed but cousins tell.
    Now I’m fine but any relation with dizziness and those cramps (food poisoning?)

    Although not sure how this happened, I ate home when this attack happened. Boiled eggs, Mayo made with avocado oil and some leftover chicken liver.
    Not sure if the Mayo or chicken liver as it was cooked and stored in freezer.

    Kkol replied 1 year, 10 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Daniel

    March 23, 2023 at 9:02 pm

    Hey ,

    I’m glad you are feeling better!

    Yes, you can feel dizzy the next day, especially if you didn’t eat much and your blood sugar became low. It can also happen because you might have been dehydrated.

    Good call about using binders!

    I would recommend you take a look at the CDC website here. It might be good to know when to contact the doctor. I hope there isn’t a next time, but you never know. It can be a trap to think ‘I feel sick, but my symptoms will probably pass!’.

    You should see the doctor when:
    • You see blood in your stools
    • Have diarrhea longer than 3 days
    • A temperature over 102 degrees Fahrenheit (or 39 degrees celsius)
    • Have signs of dehydration
    • You can’t keep liquids in since you vomit a lot.

    I hope you feel better soon!

    By the way, we do have documentation on what to do if you had food poisoning. You can find the link here.

  • Kkol

    March 25, 2023 at 7:31 am

    thanks. Non of the symptoms mentioned happened, and everything went well after the dizziness. Probably dehydration especially I took twice the amount of binder.

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