• Posted by ivona_n on December 19, 2022 at 12:52 pm
    Hi there!
    I have a water filter in my house connected to the sink that I use for drinking and it says it reduces chlorine, taste, odor, lead, and VOCs. I have a at-home-kit-water-tester that passed all chemicals except it was pretty high in fluoride so I’m not sure if there’s a filter you know of that eliminates that from the water. Also, everything these days sits in plastics!! So now I’m worried about micro plastics in the filter as well. I just read an article about how we are inhaling about 7,000 particles a day! Just from the clothes we wear and the carpet in our house… I have 2 HEPA air filters in my house so I hope that helps, but back to the water question- is there a water filtration system that eliminates Fluoride, micro plastics, and heavy metals… And doesn’t sit in plastic all day?


    Daniel replied 2 years ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Daniel

    December 19, 2022 at 1:47 pm

    Hey ,

    Reverse Osmosis water filters can filter out microplastics in water. There is a wide ‘range’ of sizes when it comes to microplastics. Microplastics are usually plastics that are smaller than 5mm in length. Then there is a group of plastics that are even smaller called nano-plastics and they range from 1 to 100 nm.

    The way reverse osmosis works is via a semipermeable membrane which has pores of 0.1 nm (click here). The good news is you can filter all particles bigger than 0.1 nm out of the water with reverse osmosis water filters.

    We do have a video about the pros & cons of different types of water filters. Just click here!

    I hope this helped!

  • ivona_n

    January 5, 2023 at 9:29 pm

     ok great. Thank you. Are cats allows to drink reverse osmosis? Because minerals are added to it so I don’t know if the whole set up is safe for cats to drink. 

  • Daniel

    January 6, 2023 at 9:17 pm

    Hey ,

    Does your system add in minerals? Usually with a reverse osmosis filter water gets demineralised. If the minerals that have been removed are in their food, this isn’t a problem.

    I would honestly remineralize the water since most people don’t know how much minerals their pet’s food actually contains.

    You could for example add a pinch of pink Himalaya salt or Celtic sea salt to each gallon of water.

    You could also add trace mineral drops.

    Perhaps  has some tips as well since she actually has some pets.

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