Kiddo has been Sick for 2+ months constantly
Okay, so my son has been sick on and off now for two months. He started school almost two months ago so that’s to somewhat be expected but then grandma got everyone sick , including me, so we are back here again!He has a bit of a runny nose, blocked nose at night, a consistent cough ( this has been the most annoying thing for almost two months) that doesn’t stop and yellow phlegm ( this has slowly turned white) .
I typically support his immune system when he is sick and before with Vit D , Zinc , C & A, probiotic. Recently I began adding AIG half a tbs for him.
And in the past, I have also given him:
- Gaia Bronchial Wellness Syrup ( This has helped more than most other things on this list but hasn’t fully removed whatever is going on)
- Kids Propolis for throat discomfort , really likes it and helps a bit
- Saline Spray for nose
- Zarbee’s Cough Syrup / Night Time ( doesn’t do much )
- Cold & Cough Hyland Day & Night ( doesn’t do much )
- Genexa Kids Cough and Chest Congestion ( Worked a bit for two hours instead of 4)
- Ginger & Tumeric tea , mild ( this helped break up some phlegm )
I have also done steam therapy, humidifier at night , salt water gargles, grounding, all the good stuff. I also took him to the doctor and she is mentioning it could be allergies , more specific “allergic rhinnitis” and to consider N.A.E.T. treatments in the future or testing him for allergies.What am I missing? What can I do better to help my son moving forward that I have not tried? Better question, what can I do to resolve his cough completely and get his immune system in better standing?
Thanks so much for reading this lengthy post,
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