BBetter Home Page Forums Announcements New Course Just Released!

  • New Course Just Released!

    Posted by Bernadette on September 1, 2022 at 5:05 am
    Hello B Better family!

    I’m excited to announce the release of the newest course Fatty Acid Balance located in the Monthly Courses section of your library dashboard which is a continuation of the larger Foundations of Health course.

    For far too long, we’ve been told to fear fat. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. And unfortunately, fatty acid imbalance is EPIDEMIC! Fatty acids are the building blocks of fats and they play a role in immune function, hormone balance, skin health, production of bile & cholesterol, inflammation control, cardiovascular health, brain & cognitive health, and so much more. 

    This course dives into the basics of fatty acids, their role in inflammation and dysfunctions that can occur. You will also learn about testing fatty acid balance in your body, food sources of fatty acids, the type of supplements available to support proper fatty acid function and the importance of determining the quality of these supplements. 

    I hope you enjoy! I know you’ll walk away feeling empowered.

    Bernadette replied 2 years ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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