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  • Probiotics kids

    Posted by LAK on July 16, 2022 at 5:06 pm
    Hi Bernadette, my daughter who is 8 seems to suffer from a windy stomach and sometimes it can become really painful. I know diet plays a major role in this, but I would like some recommendations for probiotics that may help ease this feeling. Thank you!
    LAK replied 2 years, 4 months ago 2 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Bernadette

    July 17, 2022 at 1:51 am

    Hi Lana – I’m not sure if you’ve had time to watch the Gut Health Masterclass yet, but I teach a North to South approach when addressing digestive health & dysfunctions. So before jumping into probiotics, start North with the brain first.

    So first make sure she’s actually seated, eating slowing, mindfully (not in front of TV or iPad, etc) and chewing her food well. Very important and very powerful. Also, no liquids with meals (or minimum 1 cup of water).

    If eating hygiene is proper, then consider supporting her with digestive bitters (I like Quicksilver’s Dr. Shade’s Bitters No. 9) or bitter greens with meals, which can signal the brain to release digestive juices.

    I would also do a food elimination challenge followed by a reintroduction, as food sensitivities can also contribute to gas. Dairy and gluten are often the culprits so I would start there.

    In terms of probiotics, I always recommend a food-first approach unless there’s histamine intolerance (allergies, itchy skin, watery eyes/nose, etc). Start slow and increase the amount over time. For kids, kefir is the easiest to introduce as it can be added in smoothies instead of regular milk. Coconut milk can be used instead if she’s dairy sensitive. I also share many other fermented food recipes in the resources section of your library. 

    If you still prefer a supplement, then I would go with a broad-spectrum probiotic like Klaire Labs Therbiotic Complete in the evenings for example.

    If none of the above suggestions help, then it might be worth investing in a comprehensive stool test like the GI Map (I also discuss this in the Gut Health Masterclass) to get a better picture of what specific support she might need.

    Gas can also be a sign of gut dysbiosis or overgrowths, so a cleanse might be warranted, but I always like to address all of the above first, as the body/immune system can “auto-correct” when given the right support from a North to South approach. 

    Hope this helps.

  • LAK

    July 18, 2022 at 11:31 am

    Thank you for your response and your feedback. I will check out the Masterclass as I haven’t yet and I think it will be extremely helpful, for myself too!
    We don’t use TV or iPads during dinner most times and I always make sure that she is seated at the table when eating. I will focus on the above points you mentioned and take it from there, see how she goes.

    Thanks again x

  • Bernadette

    July 18, 2022 at 6:23 pm

     sounds good – I’m here to support when you need it.

  • LAK

    October 6, 2022 at 4:48 am

    Good morning, 🙂 so I think I might need to try these digestive bitters and probiotics as she now has acid reflux (she suffered from this as a baby and was given nexium) and a strange throat tickle cough throughout the day (making your cough remedy and trying it this week). I notice the probiotics are pill form – are there any you can recommend that she may be more willing to try as she is only 8 and I am not sure she will accept to swallow a pill. Thanks!

  • Bernadette

    October 6, 2022 at 5:36 pm

     the Klaire Labs therbiotic complete also comes in powder form if she can’t swallow pills. If you’ve setup an account with the B Better Fullscript dispensary, you can find it there.

    Just a note about the throat tickle… if she’s developed acid reflux, it could be silent reflux that’s causing it. Supporting her with the flaxseed cough remedy will help soothe her throat since it’s mucilagenous. And anything else mucilagenous like slippery elm tea for example, could also help soothe her irritated throat if it’s from the reflux.

  • LAK

    October 7, 2022 at 4:12 am

    Thank you for the above. I did have a look but I could only find the capsule form and it’s a different name to the one you mentioned in your initial post. I am also trying to find the quicksilver digestive bitters but can’t seem to have those here. Do you recommend I ship it over from the US? 

    Yes good point actually! She did have silent reflux growing up. But it’s a constant ‘ahamm’ cough (haha does that sound right?) I will keep giving her the cough solution and hopefully start her on the probiotics as well. 

    Thank you! 

  • Bernadette

    October 7, 2022 at 4:51 am

    are you sure you’re logging into the B Better dispensary? If you have access to Fullscript from other practitioners, you need to log out, select the B Better dispensary and log in with those credentials to be able to access the full catalog only available to B Better members

  • LAK

    October 7, 2022 at 7:12 am

    So there are two accounts under your name – one has them but it only delivers to the USA; as for the other account I cant seem to find either of them there

  • Bernadette

    October 7, 2022 at 11:40 am

    yes correct – you’ll need to use a mail forwarding company to redirect them to Dubai. I use Shop & Ship or Boxit4me if buying from multiple vendors.

  • LAK

    October 8, 2022 at 6:14 am

    Perfect I will do that! 

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